The Patriots is a dramatic detective mini-series (based on a true story) which follows two detectives from the CID, as they investigate the mysterious disappearance of a Jewish boy. One of the detectives is Jewish, a hopeless opportunist addicted to gambling and loyal only to himself; the other is British, an enthusiastic young patriot, loyal to the empire and its values. Their investigation, full of twists and turns, leads them to an admired and tortured British war hero, who is about to find himself accused of a crime he may or may not have committed, a crime so heinous it shocked the British empire (and some say led to its evacuation of Palestine), a crime that would remain a mystery up until just a few years ago.
1947. The British Mandate ruling Palestine on behalf of the League of Nations suffers a string of murderous attacks carried out by Jewish terrorist organizations. Most of the attacks come from the Lehi, a Zionist paramilitary organization. The attacks, designed to hurt the symbols of the empire, claim the lives of dozens of British soldiers and policemen, and spread chaos and demoralization among the troops. Attempts by the British police to eradicate the Lehi prove unsuccessful. Each action brings its own cruel and bloody reaction.
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